




 This Contract entered and made on this Xth day of XXX. 200X by and between ANONYMITY COMPANY LTD.(×-×-× XXX-city Saitama-prf.) hereinafter called the Sublessor, and Richard Brown, hereinafter called the Sublessee. Following provisions are agreed by both parties.
1  It is agreed by both parties that the Sublessor shall lease to the Sublessee the house (37m2, one-storied-wooden-house, located at ×-×-× XXX-city, Saitama-prf., hereinafter called the House) which was leased by Sublessor from the owner (named Jiro Otsuno) on Xth day of XXX. 200X. In this sense this contract is about sublease from the Sublessor to the Sublessee.
2  It is agreed that the Sublessee shall pay for the House rent 35,000 yen per month to the Sublessor in advance. This means that the Sublessee must pay the House rent of the month, on every 25th-day the previous month.
3  The term of this lease shall be 2 years, and can be renewable with further mutual consent.
4  The value of the House rent can be changed by mutual consent, if property taxes and other public charges bacome higher than ever, or in case of high prices of commodities.
5  The Sublessee must compensate for the damages of the House which are caused by the Sublessee.
6  The Sublessee must keep public moral, attend to sanitation, not to cause the fire, not give trouble to neighborhood, and keep the good relationship with neighborhood.
7  The Sublessee must use the House as it is. The Sublessee must not change the present condition of the House.
8  The Sublessee can't sell the right of sublease nor sub-sublease.
9  In following cases, the lessor can cancel this contract without any advance notice. And In these cases, the Sublessee must clear out of the House within a week after cancellation.
(1) If the Sublessee delays paying his rent for more than a month.
(2) When the Sublessee retire from ANONYMITY COMPANY LTD. or is discharged by the Company.
(3) If the Sublessee break any provision of this contract.
10  In case the Sublessee cancels this Agreement, the Sublessee must give three months advance notice to the Sublessor.
 In case the Sublessee wants to cancel this Agreement without any advance notice, the Sublessee must pay the money equivalent to three months' rent.
11  The Sublessee must pay the charge of electricity, gas and water. When the Sublessee clear out of the House, he must pay the charge of electricity, gas and water which is used till the date of clear out.

  Signed and sealed in two of this 5th day of Sep. 200X
     Richard Brown
     ×-×-×, XXX-city Saitama-prf.
     Name & Address Sublessor
     ×-×-×, XXX-city Saitama-prf.
     Name & Address Sublessee
